Thursday, February 05, 2009

Birthday Dinner

You can never celebrate too much, right? Last Thursday (January 29th) was Drew's official birthday. He had a fun day at Mother's Day Out. Then when Daddy got home, we took him out in his new forward-facing car seat to eat a birthday dinner at Chick-Fil-A. He even got to play on the playground a little after dinner! He loved the car ride. It was a whole new world to him being able to see out the front. He just looked around a lot. Since then, he's started making this "vroom...vroom" noise every time we drive anywhere. I think he thinks he's on some sort of playground ride!! Happy Birthday sweet boy. This past year with you has been the greatest of lives! We pray we'll have many many more years to celebrate with you and watch you grow. We love you so much!

1 comment:

ashley, kyle, clay, and avery said...

Oh, what a doll. I just love that boy! I can't get enough of his wave- too funny!