Friday, February 20, 2009

Dallas Zoo

Andrew has the BEST work schedule ever!! He gets every other Monday off, so we've decided now that the weather is pretty nice that we're going to "explore" on Mondays when he has time off. This week, we took Drew to the Zoo. He LOVED it (actually, we all did).

We saw penguins, monkeys, elephants, giraffes, meerkats, flamingos, and so much more. Drew waved at EVERYTHING. We'd say "hi (animal)"...and he'd start waving. It was so cute.

The best part of the adventure was the aviary in the Children's Zoo. You walked in and birds started landing on your shoulders. We bought a stick of birdseed to feed them, but really, the birds were so friendly that they'd come to you whether you had food or not! It cracks me up that my big strong husband can get flustered by a little parakeet...but he does! I had to show the boys how it was done, and then they warmed up to having the feathered friends land on them as well. In fact, one of the birds took a big liking to Andrew and wouldn't leave him. The bird sat on his shoulder and would nibble on his ear and his sunglasses! Of course, all of that happened after my camera battery died. I snapped a few pictures on my cell phone, so if I can ever figure out how to get the pictures out of my phone, I'll post them eventually.

1 comment:

Collin and Stephanie Poage said...

HOW FUN!!!! Wish we had been in town! We would have loved to join you! We'll have to do it again... or venture out to the Fort Worth Zoo! :)

LOVE the pictures. Drew is growing up and just keeps getting even cuter! He's precious and we love him tons!