Drew is obsessed with remote controls (truly a guy thing). He scooted his little chair over to the counter so he could grab the remote & change the channel...all on his own!
Drawing & dancing out on the patio. Tons of fun!
Playing Mario Kart with Daddy. He absolutely LOVES to drive! In fact, he's made up his own sign language sign for "drive" - and insists on playing!
And the most mischievous of little boy things - climbing!! He has discovered how to push out the kitchen chair, climb up and crawl right on top of the table!! If we aren't watching closely - he'll actually grab the chandelier before we can get him down. Swinging from the chandelier is no joking matter! I'm sure there are more crazy adventures to come, so stay tuned! Our baby boy is growing up fast, and we love seeing everything new that he comes up with! There's hardly a dull moment when Drew's around. :)
I would almost love to see our boys if we left them together for 5 mins...it could be amazingly disaterous.
Oh yes...boys will be boys...it is sooooo true. I am sure your Aunt and Uncle (George and Carole) can tell you quite a few stories...keep your eye on him always!!!
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