In those seven short months, Drew has stolen our hearts, taught us what unconditional love is, added a few gray hairs to our heads, and completely changed our lives...for the better. In this last month, Drew has mastered sitting, he's crawling everywhere, and now he is starting to pull up on anything he can get his tiny hands on. He loves eating "real" food. He might make a funny face at a few menu options, but he'll eat anything we offer him. He's even found a few "treats" on his own, like dog food and leaves on the floor. Gotta watch this kiddo now! His favorite foods right now are sweet potatoes (especially the sweet potato/apple combo), butternut squash & corn, banana/peach/oatmeal, and turkey/brown rice/barley. Prunes won the award for the best "what are you doing to me" look on his face. But by the second bite, he was totally on board!
On a good day, he wakes up around 7:15am in time to wish Daddy a happy day at the office. He plays with toys for a little bit and eats breakfast and takes a morning nap. In the afternoon, we usually get out of the house and go for a change of scenery. We're back by mid-afternoon for more food and (on a really good day) an afternoon nap. Daddy gets home right after 5:00 and plays with Drew. Then Drew gets to eat some of his favorite food for dinner, Daddy gives him a bath, Mommy reads him a book, says prayers, and puts him to bed around 8:00pm.
Happy Seven Months, Drew.
Kobe had really warmed up to Drew, until Drew started crawling. Drew's favorite thing to do is crawl and chase the dog, a game Kobe is not a fan of. We had made great progress on getting Kobe and Drew to pose together, but all bets are off now and Kobe is back on opposite corners for the blaket pictures again.
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