Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Day of School

Drew is going to Mother's Day Out twice a week now!! They grow up so fast, don't they? Ok, so it's not real school...but they did learn about colors and that God made the rainbow the first week (or so I was told). Here are some pictures of him getting ready for school and with his teacher, Ms. Joy.

Speaking of joy...that's what I felt having 5 whole hours to myself! I dropped Drew off, headed to Starbucks, called my sister, my mom, my dad, browsed Hobby Lobby to look for decorating inspiration, treated myself to some Chick-fil-a, and went home and just relaxed a little!! It was the most carefree 5 hours I've had in the last 10 years!

When I went to pick Drew up, Ms. Joy said that he had a wonderful first day. He drank both bottles I sent with him and gobbled up all of his sweet potatoes. He napped for longer than he usually naps at home! His buddy Clay (his first friend in Sherman) is in his class too, so I know they had fun. Hopefully Drew didn't chew on Clay's toes this time like he did last time they were together! Walking out of the building, Drew was wide-eyed and still soaking it all in. He loves to watch the older kids run around, and he loves the new sights of being in a new place.

This Mother's Day Out gig is the best thing ever!

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